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6 - Course Offerings

The following courses are required and each make up one period of a student’s seven-period schedule:

  • English Language Arts 6
  • Math 6 or Math 7 (based on District placement criteria)
  • Science 6
  • Social Studies 6 or Gifted Social Studies 6 (based on District placement criteria)
  • Physical Education/Health 6

Two elective courses will complete a student’s seven-period schedule. Students may choose one of the following combination of classes:

  • two music classes,
  • one music class and one discovery wheel, or
  • two discovery wheels.


  • Band 6
  • Choir 6
  • Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced Orchestra (based on District placement criteria)

Humanities Discovery Wheel

  • World Languages
  • Drama Discovery
  • Family and Consumer Sciences Discovery
  • Music Discovery

STEAM Discovery Wheel

  • Elements of Engineering
  • Makerspace
  • Visual Art
  • Intro to Computer Science

Gifted Fine Arts
Students who meet district criteria for GFA will take this class as a semester or full-year elective. If electing to take GFA for a semester, students will select two classes from one of the wheels to fill the other semester. If electing to take GFA for a full-year, students will select the class twice when entering their elective requests into the Student Information System.