6 - Elective Courses
Two elective courses will complete a student’s seven-period schedule. Students may choose one of the following combination of classes:
- two music classes,
- one music class and one discovery wheel, or
- two discovery wheels.
M6002 Beginning Band - Woodwind Instruments
This course is for sixth/seventh grade students interested in playing a woodwind instrument (flute and clarinet). Students start with the basics of becoming familiar with their musical instruments (assembly, proper finger placement, tone production and breathing). Students progress in their knowledge of reading music, beginning with basic note/pitch identification and ending with more complex compositions of music. Daily practice is required. Clarinet students have the opportunity to audition for saxophone after the Winter Concert in December.
M6004 Beginning Band - Brass Instruments
This course is for sixth/seventh grade students interested in playing a brass instrument (Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Baritone). Students start with the basics of becoming familiar with their musical instruments (assembly, proper finger placement, tone production and breathing). Students progress in their knowledge of reading music, beginning with basic note/pitch identification and ending with more complex compositions of music. Daily practice is required.
M6006 Band 6 - Percussion Instruments
Prerequisite: Recommendation from Elementary Music teacher
This course is for sixth grade students interested in playing a percussion instrument. Students start with the basics of becoming familiar with their musical instruments. Students progress in their knowledge of reading music, beginning with basic note identification and ending with more complex compositions of music. Daily practice is required. Percussion Class will be capped at 12 students. Please have a second choice instrument in mind.
M6010 Choir 6
Choir 6 is open to all sixth-grade students. Students in this course will study different styles of choral singing and languages, develop vocal independence, sing in unison and two-part harmony, learn how to sight-read level-one music, and learn how to perform as an ensemble. There are also mandatory performances in the Fall and Spring semesters.
M6900 Beginning Orchestra
Prerequisite: None
Beginning Orchestra is a first year orchestra class offered to students who have little to no experience playing a stringed instrument. Students who are interested in playing violin, viola, cello, or stand-up bass will learn to read and play music on their instrument of choice at a beginner level. Students will be required to rent or purchase their own instrument and music book for the class. Students who choose violin or viola will bring their own instrument to class to use every day and take home for home practice. Students who choose cello or stand-up bass will use a school instrument for class and keep their personal instrument at home for home practice. Regular practice outside of class is required as homework. Orchestra students will work as a team to successfully perform three concerts a year. Students will learn how their performance literature relates to music theory, music history, and current global cultures.
M6901 Intermediate Orchestra
Prerequisite: District Placement Criteria
Intermediate Orchestra is a second level orchestra. It is open to all students who have successfully completed at least one year of experience on their instrument in an orchestra class or private lessons with a certified orchestra teacher. Students are required to audition for this class with approval from the Hixson orchestra director to register. New techniques and concepts will be introduced that build on the foundational skills and knowledge previously learned in the beginning stages. Students will be required to rent or purchase their own instrument and music book for the class. Students who play violin or viola will bring their own instrument to class to use every day and take home for home practice. Students who play cello or stand-up bass will use a school instrument for class and keep their personal instrument at home for home practice. Regular practice outside of class is required as homework. Orchestra students will work as a team to successfully perform three concerts a year. Students will learn how their performance literature relates to music theory, music history, and current global cultures. Orchestra members are also invited to audition for the Hixson Honors Orchestra, an after school group that collaborates with Wind Ensemble and Choir for two Sounds of Hixson concerts per year.
M6902 Advanced Orchestra
Prerequisite: District Placement Criteria
Advanced Orchestra is an upper level orchestra. It is open to all students who have successfully completed at least one year of experience on their instrument in an orchestra class or private lessons with a certified orchestra teacher. Students are required to audition for this class with approval from the Hixson orchestra director to register. New techniques and concepts will be introduced that continue to build on skills and knowledge previously learned at an intermediate playing level. Students will be required to rent or purchase their own instrument and music book for the class. Students who play violin or viola will bring their own instrument to class to use every day and take home for home practice. Students who play cello or stand-up bass will use a school instrument for class and keep their personal instrument at home for home practice. Regular practice outside of class is required as homework. Orchestra students will work as a team to successfully perform three concerts a year, in addition to an orchestra tour around the district. Students will learn how their performance literature relates to music theory, music history, and current global cultures. Orchestra members are also invited to audition for the Hixson Honors Orchestra, an after school group that collaborates with Wind Ensemble and Choir for two Sounds of Hixson concerts per year.
Humanities Discovery Wheel
An elective discovery wheel is a group of introductory or exploratory courses that are one quarter (9 weeks) in length. The courses provide 6th graders an opportunity to explore existing electives, pursue their own interests, and discover new passions. By exploring a variety of elective courses, 6th graders are able to make informed decisions about what courses they want to take in 7th and 8th grade. Students will take all four courses in a discovery wheel.
M0060 Art Exploration
This is a 9 week art class where students will work in printmaking, drawing, painting, digital art, and pottery. It’s a very fast paced class. Through our art making, we will develop skills, practice critical thinking, and explore human experiences, culture, and creative expression. This is a class that embraces mistakes...we consider them part of our learning. Students can expect to make a mess, make art, and make meaningful connections.
M8440 Drama Discovery
This introductory class teaches students basic elements of the theater. Students are led through activities to foster their skills in stage presence, character development, the art of emotion in acting, plot, setting and conflict. Students work together to foster their confidence and find their voices all through the art of drama.
M8505 Family and Consumer Science (FACS) Discovery
FACS Discovery introduces students to basic sewing and food preparation techniques and lab procedures.
M8190 World Languages
In this course, students will get an introduction of each of the three languages taught at Hixson (Spanish, French, and German). Students also get a sampling of world geography, families around the world, and cultural differences among countries.
STEM Discovery Wheel
An elective discovery wheel is a group of introductory or exploratory courses that are one quarter (9 weeks) in length. The courses provide 6th graders an opportunity to explore existing electives, pursue their own interests, and discover new passions. By exploring a variety of elective courses, 6th graders are able to make informed decisions about what courses they want to take in 7th and 8th grade. Students will take all four courses in a discovery wheel.
M0040 Elements of Engineering
In this experiential learning class, students will be introduced to multiple Engineering disciplines, including Mechanical, Electrical, Architectural and Structural. Topics covered include tool safety, 3D modeling, dimension drawings, robotics, binary, soldering, design & measure scale models.
M0070 Intro to Computer Science
Technology drives invention and innovation. It is a thinking and doing process. Students with little to no circuitry or programming experience necessary will explore the foundations of technology in this experiential learning course. Through a hands-on approach, they will learn the basics of coding, computer hardware, software and networking, user interface design, physical computing, and programming. Students will create websites, create electronic projects, and build apps throughout this class. They will also learn the basics of HTML & CSS, Python, and JavaScript coding languages.
M0079 Intro to Sustainability
In this course, students will study and have the opportunity to learn about the environment and the impact that humans are having on it. Students will identify issues and work to create and implement plans to address these problems. In addition, students will continue to develop and maintain the sustainable outdoor courtyard which includes the fish pond, assorted garden beds, and care of the chickens.
M0050 Makerspace
Design Thinking is a user-centered (understanding the context and culture of the people involved) approach to solving real-world problems through empathy, creativity, collaboration, ideating, prototyping and testing. In this experiential learning class, students will deepen their understanding of complex, real world problems through designing, experimenting, building and inventing. Their ultimate goal will be to make the world a better place. Students create their own knowledge through hands-on learning experiences and connecting with the real world.
Gifted Fine Arts - Semester Course
M8477 Gifted Fine Arts
Prerequisite: District Placement Criteria
This course offers eligible students the opportunity to explore fine arts in three areas: visual art, music and drama. Students develop skills in communication and perception, cultural and historical awareness, response and evaluation, creative expression and performance, and leadership. Students may elect to take GFA a semester or full-year course. If electing to take GFA for a semester, sixth grade students will select two classes from one of the wheels to fill the other semester. If electing to take GFA for a full-year, students will select the class twice when entering their elective requests into the Student Information System.