Welcome to 7th Grade!
Dear Students and Parents/Guardians:
The mission of Hixson Middle School is to develop confident and responsible citizens who contribute to a rapidly changing world by valuing diversity, education, and the pursuit of their personal passions. Because of this, we proudly offer challenging and interesting courses, programs, and activities that we are excited to share with you in the 2025-2026 school year!
The following Course Description and Guide to Student Program Planning is provided to all students to assist in planning course work for the next year. Inside you will find the course descriptions offered to Hixson students. In order to take advantage of this valuable tool, it is essential that both guardians and students thoroughly review the contents. Please read the information thoroughly and make your selections carefully. All course requests are final. Staffing and scheduling are based on your course selections; therefore, making your choices wisely is very important. Your choices are one of the most important factors that go into our planning for the upcoming school year, so we thank you in advance for thoughtfully selecting courses and taking this process seriously.
Your counselor will be happy to answer any further questions you may have. Please feel free to contact your grade-level counselor directly.
Mrs. Constance West
The teachers, counselors, administrators, and staff at Hixson Middle School are looking forward to next school year!
Dr. Shenita Mayes
Building Principal
Dr. Aimee Vogt
Grade Level Principal
****** We hire staff and build schedules based on course requests. As a result, all course requests are FINAL. ******