M4100 English Language Arts 8
Prerequisite: English Language Arts 7
The eighth grade English Language Arts class continues to develop the reading, writing, listening and speaking skills of students through the workshop model. Over the course of the year, students engage in the writing process to produce narrative, informational and argumentative writing pieces. In addition, students cultivate a reading identity and share their thinking with peers in a variety of ways. Targeted mini lessons aim to lift the level of students’ reading and writing skills. Students use class time to independently apply skills and strategies in their reading and writing. Teachers actively confer with students about their individualized goals, which furthers students’ growth as lifelong readers and writers.
M4220 Math 8
Prerequisite: Math 7
Instructional time will focus on three critical areas: (1) formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; (2) grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships and (3) analyzing two- and three-dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem.
M7220 Algebra
Prerequisite: District Placement Criteria
This is the beginning course in a sequence of college preparatory courses. Topics covered include solving formulas, graphing functions, analysis of linear functions, analysis of quadratic functions, analysis of basic exponential functions, solving equations and inequalities, solving systems of equations, and sequences. At the end of first semester of Algebra, students who are performing at a 75% or below will be moved out of Algebra and will be placed in Math 8.
M5221 Honors Geometry
Prerequisite: Algebra and District Placement Criteria
This is the second course in a sequence of courses preparing a student for college admission eligibility and leading toward Advanced Placement Calculus. In this course a student acquires knowledge about geometric objects in two and three dimensions and an opportunity to apply this knowledge to discovering relations among geometric objects. There will be heavy emphasis on mathematical proof as well as an introduction to other geometric topics such as transformational geometry. Please note: this is a high school level class and is for students who are able to manage the pace and workload of a high school class.
M4300 Science 8
Prerequisite: Science 7
Eighth grade Physical Science students will participate in hands-on, problem based investigations that focus on physical science topics. Students will explore the properties and changes in matter and energy, interactions of forces, and investigations into wave energy. The exploration of the scientific process is embedded in all units of study. Examining historical events and current issues will help students understand the nature of science and the interaction between science and society.
M4400 Social Studies 8
Prerequisite: Social Studies 7
Eighth Grade World Civilizations and Global Issues expands the understanding of students from a national view to a world view. The course examines several world civilizations and global issues through seven thematic units. The first theme, Foundations, sets the stage for the study of history by reviewing and understanding historical thinking. The remaining six thematic units are Geography, Religion, Achievements, Politics, Economics, and Social Structure (GRAPES). These themes are designed to allow students to analyze the similarities and differences of world civilizations and how they connect to current global issues. Students will explore these world regions through compare/contrast analysis, identifying patterns (movement of people, goods, services, geography), cause and effect relationships (people, government systems, environment). Students will learn through multiple modalities including inquiry learning, investigations of primary sources, and interpreting charts, graphs and maps.
M0020 Gifted Social Studies 8
Prerequisite: District Placement Criteria
This course is for students who participate in the district’s gifted program. Learning goals and targets for the class have been developed by incorporating the WGSD Social Studies and Gifted curricula, creating a unique class with content and teaching methods for this special population of students. Much of our Gifted curricular goals will be met through our social studies work, but we will also incorporate projects and activities during the year which will specifically address Gifted needs.
Physical Education - Full-Year Courses
All students are required to take one full-year Physical Education/Health class. Students in 7th and 8th grade may choose from the following options. PE classes must have adequate registration requests to become part of this year's school schedule. Students requesting courses that are not offered due to low enrollment will be notified by their counselor and assigned to the traditional PE/Health course.
M4600 PE/Health 8
Prerequisite: Physical Education 7
In this PE class, students will rotate through courses consisting of PE, fitness, and health. Students will experience a variety of activities that can be played throughout their life. Both individual and team sports/activities will be offered. This class will emphasize playing the game for enjoyment and to maintain a healthy body and lifestyle. In this PE class, students will rotate through courses consisting of PE, fitness, and health.
M3601 Competitive PE/Health 8
Prerequisite: Physical Education 7
This PE class differs from the traditional PE/Health 8 class in that gameplay is more intense and strategies are more advanced. Students will experience gameplay with an emphasis on strategies and concepts that apply to specific sports. More intensive training techniques will also be incorporated and students should expect to work at a more vigorous level as compared to the other PE classes. In this PE class, students will rotate through courses consisting of PE, fitness, and health.
M3602 Lifetime Fitness/Health
Prerequisite: Physical Education 7
This PE class differs from the traditional PE/Health 8 class in that gameplay is intended for people with less interest or experience. Strategies and gameplay are more fundamental. This class includes a mix of lower-intensity activities: walking for fitness, outdoor sports and games, mindfulness activities, community service, time to practice social skills, and time to practice stress reduction strategies. In this PE class, students will rotate through courses consisting of PE, fitness, and health. Please note that this class will most likely be a mix of 7th and 8th grade students.